In his November 15, 2024 Friday sermon at Masjidus Sunni in Cape Town, South Africa, Imam Riyadh Walls chanted: "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the Army of Muhammad has started to return!" He added: "Allah, make us of the army of Muhammad." In September, Walls cited Kuwaiti Muslim Brotherhood leader Tareq Al-Suwaidan, saying that the "resistance" in Gaza and the West Bank are the "tip of the spear," that the liberation of Palestine will only come after the Muslims collectively follow their example. On October 8, 2023 Riyadh Walls participated in a Cape Town event celebrating the October 7 attack on Israel, where he said: "When I got the news yesterday, it was like a contentment, and peace and tranquility, entered my heart."
Riyadh Walls: "Inshallah, the angels are coming, the army of Muhammad is coming. Allah, make us the army of Mihammad. Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad is returning! We have to make the intention, it is going to happen, inshallah. We are going to see liberation in our time."