In a TV debate on political developments in the Middle East, the Lebanese guests expressed antisemitic views, with Omar Abd Al-Rahman Al-Ayubi, an expert on Islamic affairs, saying that the Jews "are the enemies of the Muslims and of all humanity" and that they had killed prophets and "do not abide by any treaty or agreement." Another guest on the show, Sheikh Bilal Saeed Shaaban, head of the Islamic Tawheed Movement, said: "People talk about the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, but what Hitler did was in response to their actions." He further said that they were "responsible for tens of millions killed in the two world wars," that they regulate and control "the moral crises caused by the media, by drugs, by weapons, and by war," and that Tel Aviv "does not suffer from a single bomb or suicide attack" because it "orchestrates all the destruction in the region." The debate aired on December 12, 2017, on Thaqalayn TV, a Shiite channel with offices in Qom, Tehran, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, the Netherlands, and Egypt, according to a statement on the channel’s website.
Omar Abd Al-Rahman Al-Ayubi: "The Jewish people had clashes with the prophets in the past. They killed some prophets, and they also violated agreements with the prophets and the Muslims in Medina. The Jews are 'the strongest among people in enmity to the believers,' as is written in the Quran. They are the enemies of the Muslims and of all humanity. The Jews have perpetrated many massacres in the course of history, and they do not abide by any treaty or agreement. Therefore, what happened in the (20th) century – the occupation of Palestine – was in the context of enmity toward this nation – enmity toward the Arabs, the Muslims, and humanity in general, especially since they gathered many Jewish nationalities, and brought them to Palestine, uprooting an entire people from its land. Therefore, the historical truth is that we have an existential conflict with this people, and with this entity that plundered our land and our holy places."
Bilal Saeed Shaaban: "People talk about the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews, but what Hitler did was in response to their actions. They were responsible for tens of millions killed in the two world wars. Even today, when we talk about the Jews from an economic point of view – they control the arms trade, the drug trade, and the financial markets."
Host: "The media too..."
Bilal Saeed Shaaban: "Right. All the moral crises caused by the media, by drugs, by weapons, and by war are regulated and controlled by them. Uprooting the Zionist entity has become the responsibility of humanity, but Allah has given it to His blessed people.
"Today, we are experiencing ethnic and religious conflicts, and all of our capital cities are exploding. But there is one capital in the Middle East that does not suffer from a single bomb or suicide attack. What capital city is that? It is Tel Aviv, which orchestrates all the destruction in the region."