Saudi Sheik, Khaled Al-Khlewi, discussued women's rights in his weekly religious ruling show on the UAE religious channel, Al-Majd TV. Following are excerpts:
Sheik Al-Khlewi: Some of those who demand (women's rights) transfer the experience of European and Western society to here. They believe, intentionally or unintentionally, that the technological progress of the European countries, and especially the US, was achieved when the woman left her home, became released from all restrictions, without exception, and when complete equality was created between man and woman. This is a mistake.
Dear viewers, they based themselves on the concept of equality. They said since men participate in building society, women should also participate in it, in complete equality. Do we agree to this complete equality? Do we really need to create equality between man and woman in all aspects of life? My dears, sense and logic reject this, let alone religious law. Allah did not create such a thing as complete equality. He created equality between man and woman in some fundamental issues. For example, he created equality in humanity itself. Yes, the man is like the woman, and the woman is like the man. The man is not preferred over the woman because he is a man nor vice versa. They both are human beings.
My dear viewers, I have told you that those demanding equality only demand partial equality. They demand that the woman be like the man. We say, apply this to yourselves and let the man be like the woman. Even in the most basic and simple matters, men refuse to be like women. Sometimes when a mother is with her infant, she smells a foul odor because the infant soiled himself ? there shouldn't be any problem in mentioning such a thing. As soon as the father, who is the man in this scene, understands that the baby is dirty, meaning he soiled himself, he is immediately repelled and says: Clean him quickly. What would happen if the mother, who is the woman, said to the man: In the name of complete equality, you get up and clean the baby. Would the father really get up and go clean the baby? The father would say, according to proper logic: You women have been trained to do these jobs. Allah has graced the woman with emotions, feelings, gentleness, and mercy, which he did not grant the man.
The other issue is that women should not mix with men. If in a certain workplace women have no choice but to mix with men, this is prohibited according to Islamic religious law. Therefore, when the Western woman left her home and met with men in all places, in factories, workshops, in laundromats, in kitchens, in all places, within a few months the results were bitter: rape cases, abortions, and even in marriage, there was a horrifying degree of failure because the woman went out to work.