Senior Russian TV host Dmitri Kisiliov lashed out at the BBC Monitoring Service, claiming that it had accused him of racism following last week's show, in which he had said that former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama "looked as if she was Melania's housekeeper, who had just taken off her white apron." Kisiliov slammed the BBC, denying that he was racist and saying: "Is the BBC suggesting that every housekeeper should be dark-skinned, and that all dark-skinned [women] should be housekeepers? Now that is a racist delusion. Typical BBC - aren't they a garbage dump?" For the original remarks, translated by MEMRI TV, see MEMRI TV clip 5862.
Dmitri Kisiliov: "Now let's talk about the British Broadcasting Corporation - the BBC. I can't help being amused at the zeal with which they demonstrate, once again, their atrocious reputation. Remember how, at his first press conference, President Trump called CNN 'fake news?' Straight after that, a BBC journalist came up, and got a slap in the face, (when Trump said): 'another beauty'...
"BBC lived up to its atrocious reputation once again this week, when in their professional press review, which is disseminated worldwide through subscriptions, they accused our TV channel and my 'Vesti Nedeli' show of being racist, no more and no less."
BBC Newscaster: "'Controversial Russian TV anchor Dmitri Kisiliov has again used his show, 'Vesti Nedeli', in order to take a racist punch against the former US first family. Regarding the external appearance of Melania Trump in the inauguration, Kisiliov made a harsh remark about Michelle Obama, saying: 'On Trump's inauguration day, Michelle, standing in her short-sleeved dress next to Melania, looked as if she were Melania's housekeeper, who had just taken off her white apron and was present there for no known reason.' The West considers (Kisiliov) to be the chief Kremlin propagandist.'"
Dmitri Kisiliov: "Look, this is a direct quote from our show last week, but the racism is apparently spreading within the BBC itself. It resides in the heads of the British journalists who write such texts. We were talking about the different styles of the designers who prepared the outfits of the first ladies - the former one and the current one. A short-sleeved, close-fitting dress in non-vivid colors, with a collar up to the neck, is, in my opinion, a weird choice of clothing for the occasion. It looked as if she had just taken off the white service apron. That is why Michelle looked like a housekeeper, next to Melania, who was exquisitely dressed for the occasion. What has this to do with racism? We were not suggesting anything else.
"Let's recap last week's show:
"Melania has come to replace Michelle. It is her debut too, and we must admit that it was a success. She began with a very spectacular blue outfit in the inauguration ceremony, continued with a white dress with bare shoulders at the celebration ball, and concluded with a close-fitting black double-breasted coat for the church sermon. Let me remind you that the fashion designer working for the White House mistress refused, in a political protest, to provide her services to Melania Trump. I don't remember the designer's name, but anyway, nobody cares anymore. After all, on Trump's inauguration day, Michelle, standing in her short-sleeved dress next to Melania, looked as if she were Melania's housekeeper, who had just taken off her white apron and was present there for no known reason. Or do you have any other association regarding their clothing?"
"So where is the racism here? Is the BBC suggesting that every housekeeper should be dark-skinned, and that all dark-skinned (women) should be housekeepers? Now that is a racist delusion. Typical BBC - aren't they a total garbage dump?"