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Apr 08, 2006
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Saddam Hussein's Daughter, Raghad: My Father Is More Dear to Me Than My Children

#1108 | 02:26
Source: Al-Arabiya Network (Dubai/Saudi Arabia)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Saddam Hussein's daughter Raghad, which aired on Al-Arabiya TV on April 9, 2006.


Raghad Hussein: The trial is not a just trial, I'm not the only one saying this trial is not just. Voices are being heard - more than just one person, party, and country are saying that this trial is a farce and that it is unjust, and I have said so in the past.




Interviewer: Regarding the way this trial will end - are you prepared for another tragedy?


Raghad Hussein: This is the toughest question a daughter could be asked about her father. This is the toughest question I could be asked. My father is dear to me, even more than my children. I can tell you that he is definitely more dear to me than my children.


It's hard for me to speculate or talk about it. All I can say is that it is Allah's decision.




If we try to determine who is happy about the trial of President Saddam Hussein, you will tell me they are all the people we see on TV. According to what we see on TV, they are the majority. Can you convince me that they are the majority? I am telling you from here, from Jordan, that they are even less than a minority.




When we were in power, you didn't believe everything we showed on TV. Did you? There were many things that we tried to show the world. We tried to make the world hear the voices of the people through TV, but what we said was refuted. They did not want to believe these things, and said they were programmed and biased, and that it was propaganda. So why do you ask me and the Iraqis to be so gullible as to accept and convince ourselves that what we hear and see is true and represents the majority?




I am certain that anyone with a patriotic spirit will put set aside all the conflicts, and as I mentioned my last time on Al-Arabiya TV, he will remember that he has only one enemy and he must confront it, and not turn against the president of his country, who represents its pride and strength.

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