On a recent condolence visit to Iraq, the Grand Mufti of Russia Talgat Tadzhuddin said that "even in the face of the Communist ordeal, we have managed to protect our religion and our unity," and that "in the past 15 years... we have built 7,500 new mosques and seven Islamic universities." Tadzhuddin brought with him a box containing a hair of the Prophet Muhammad, which he said was one of three donated by Sultan Abdulhamid II to the Grand Mufti of Tsarist Russia.
Following are excerpts from footage of the visit, posted on the Internet on January 16, 2016.
Talgat Tadhzuddin: Even in the face of the Communist ordeal, we have managed to protect our religion and our unity. In the days of Stalin, more than 14,000 mosques were hit. In the past 15 years, however, we have built 7,500 new mosques, and seven Islamic universities.
These hairs of the Prophet Muhammad have been in our possession for 120 years, since the days of Sultan Abdulhamid II. The Grand Mufti of Tsarist Russia went to perform the Hajj, and he was met by Sultan Abudlhamid II. As a token of his appreciation for the steadfastness of Russian Muslims, the Sultan donated three hairs of the Prophet.
The hairs of the Prophet Muhammad are a part of his body, just as we are a part of the nation of the Prophet Muhammad. The companions of the Prophet reached our lands, and the Prophet foretold that victory would come from the north. This misguided and misleading group [ISIS], which is used by the enemies of Islam everywhere, wants to tarnish the good name of Islam and the Muslims.
Speaking to one of the dignitaries: Shall we open it? They can even put it in water and then drink.
Russian clerics chant and the mufti opens an ornate chest and open it up
Allah's prayers upon Muhammad.Allah's prayers upon Muhammad.
Allah's prayers upon Muhammad.
Allah's prayers upon Muhammad.
The mufti removes a black fabric bag
Talgat Tadhzuddin: Get us a bottle of water.
Tadhzuddin opens a box, from which he removes a flower-shaped glass case containing the hair
They are very small… Let's close the glass cover, in order to keep it safe.
The case is kissed by surrounding dignitaries