In an address delivered on January 26, 2016, Russian ambassador to Kuwait Alexey Solomatin said that this is "a transitional stage from the hegemony of a single country over the entire world, a stage in which one player directed everything all over the world, and would try to give orders to all the other countries, to a multipolar stage."
Following is an excerpt from the address, which aired on the Kuwaiti Derwaza TV channel via the Internet.
Alexey Solomatin: This is a very crucial stage. It is a transitional stage from hegemony of a single country over the entire world, a stage in which one player directed everything all over the world, and would give… would try to give orders to all the other countries, to a multipolar stage. Our policy is based on our belief that all those "poles" have the equal right to make crucial decisions regarding all of the world. I am referring to political, as well as economic, decision. There should not be a single player that exerts pressure on the other countries for the sake of its own interests. We should all make decisions on the basis of consensus, and on the basis of the mutual interests of all parties in the world. This is why we said and we continue to say that the most important thing of us and for the world, in this crucial stage, is to respect international law, and to maintain the pivotal role of the United Nations.