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Jan 18, 2025
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Rafah Schoolboy On Hamas TV: I Wish For The War To End, For Us To Finish Off The Jews; We Are Arabs, Our Weapon Is Knowledge, And No One Can Beat Us

#11795 | 01:15
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

Saleh Ahmad Saleh Al-Zamili, a schoolboy from Rafah was interviewed in an improvised classroom by Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas) on January 18, 2025. He said that no one can prevent Palestinians from defeating the Jews and that he wishes that the war would end and they can "finish off the Jews." The Al-Aqsa correspondent stated: "We will finish off the Jews with our determination, our weapons, our power, and our knowledge." Al-Zamili responded: "We are Arabs. Our weapon is knowledge, and no one can beat us."

Saleh Ahmad Saleh Al-Zamili: "We study together. We are friends, we love each other, and we will be able to defeat the Jews."

Interviewer: "Are you going to return to Rafah, inshallah?"

Al-Zamili: "Yes, inshallah. No one can prevent us – not the Jews and not (people) from any other country. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon in the world, and we are acquiring it."

Interviewer: "What do you wish for? For the war to end?"

Al-Zamili: "Yes, I wish for the war to end and that we can finish off the Jews."

Interviewer: "We will finish off the Jews, with our determination, our weapons, our power, and our knowledge. Today, you are challenging the Jews, right?"

Al-Zamili: "Yes. No one can defeat us. We are Arabs. Our weapon is knowledge, and no one can beat us."

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