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Dec 27, 2024
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Queens Imam Mufti Muhammad Ibn Muneer: Israel Isn't Only Cleansing Palestine – It Is Reinventing The Land's Identity And Geography; Israel Has A 3,000 Year History That Began In 1948; Arabic Names Of Historical Sites Are Being Changed To Hebrew To Make Them Sound More 'Jewish And Ancient'; Prays For Those Who Fight Allah's Enemies: Let Their Shots Be Accurate

#11756 | 01:38
Source: Online Platforms - "Hadith Disciple on YouTube"

Mufti Muhammad Ibn Muneer, the imam at the Masjid on the Van Wycke in Queens, NY, said in a sermon that was posted to the Hadith Disciple YouTube channel on December 27, 2024 that for Israel, "it's much more than just conquering [and] killing and annihilating." He said that Israel aims to "not only cleanse" the land of Palestine, but also to "reinvent" its historical identity and its geography. He said that whichever historical sites that haven't been "obliterated" and covered up "beneath parking lots, playgrounds, amusement parks, and museums" have their names "magically" changed from Arabic into Hebrew, and he claimed that the original Arabic name of the Israeli city of Beersheva was Bir Sab'a, and that it was changed to make it sound more "Jewish and ancient." He said: "The country that has a 3,000-year history that began in 1948... They've cleansed it."

Mufti Ibn Muneer also prayed for Allah to help those who are fighting in His cause, to "allow their shots to be accurate and on point," and to place fear and terror in the hearts of His enemies. For more on Ibn Muneer, see clips 10931, 7245, 7067, 6772, 6894.

Mufti Muhammad Ibn Muneer: "[For Israel], it's much more than just conquering. It's much more than just killing and annihilating. But [Israel says]: 'We have to not only cleanse, but we now have to reinvent our identity and the identity of this land, and of this country, and of its geography.'

"The words, the places, the towns, the cities, and the wells which are obliterated and done away with beneath parking lots, playgrounds, amusement parks, and museums... The villages... The historical sites that used to be here that haven't been totally done away with, their name magically turns from Arabic into Hebrew. So it's no longer Bir Sab'a it is not Beersheva. It sounds... You know... Jewish and ancient. The country that has a 3,000-year history that began in 1948... They've cleansed it.


"Oh Allah, help those who are fighting hard in Your cause. Oh Allah, give them patience. Oh Allah, allow their shots to be accurate and on point. Oh Allah, place fear and terror in the hearts of Your enemies. Oh Allah, make the feet of those who fight hard in Your cause to be firm and solid."


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