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Jun 09, 2017
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President Trump In 2017: Qatar Has Been A Funder Of Terrorism At A Very High Level; I Call On Qatar To End Its Funding For Terrorism (Archival)

#11799 | 02:01
Source: Online Platforms - "AP on YouTube"

U.S. President Donald Trump said at a June 9, 2017 press conference that at a summit he had recently attended alongside Arab and Muslim leaders, "key players" had agreed to stop supporting terrorism financially, militarily, and morally. He said that during the summit, several nations had spoken to him about confronting Qatar over its many years of supporting terrorism, and he announced that he, then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and American military generals have decided to call on Qatar to end its support for terrorism and extremist ideology.

Donald Trump: "I addressed a summit of more than 50 Arab and Muslim leaders, a unique meeting in the history of nations, where key players in the region agreed to stop supporting terrorism, whether it be financial, military, or even moral support. The nation of Qatar, unfortunately, has historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level. And in the wake of that conference, nations came together and spoke to me about confronting Qatar over its behavior. So we had a decision to make: do we take the easy road or do we finally take a hard but necessary action? We have to stop the funding of terrorism. I decided, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, our great generals and military people, that time had come to call on Qatar to end its funding. They have to end that funding and its extremist ideology in terms of funding. I want to call in all of the nations to stop, immediately, supporting terrorism. Financial, military, or even moral support."

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