Political commentator and researcher Ghaleb Nur Al-Din spoke on the Iranian Arabic-language channel Al-'Alam TV about American culture. The following are excerpts:
Nur Al-Din: The US cannot claim that it created an American culture. The culture existing in the US is human culture, with all its aspects and faults. Human culture is not the achievement of only one people but of all the peoples of the world and we peoples of the East, had the most prominent role in this field. I ask: Can you separate the computer from Al-Khawarizmi [the mathematician]? Can you separate the alphabet from the world scientific achievements? There is a human culture that was seized by a group of people, which exploited it, while its real owners in the East ceded it for fossils, which distanced them the course of human culture.
The US is controlled financially, politically, and socially by a certain class the Americans call WASPs - White Anglo Saxon Protestants. They control America to this day, in the financial, political, and economic aspects. Kennedy was missing only one quality - being Protestant. He was white and Anglo-Saxon but was not Protestant, and there is a suspicion that he was assassinated because he was missing this quality.
Moderator: You mean his Catholicism killed him?
Nur Al-Din: Possibly, I cannot swear to it but why has there been no other [Catholic president] since then? This question must be asked.
Europe united around a model that is equal and rational, but the US can never unite with Latin America, as it claims. The main reason is, in my opinion, the demographic fear of the Catholic population growth. They are already three quarters of Latin America's population, and this is a problem. In addition to their population growth, they have a non-racist culture. You will find among the Catholics black men, white, or colored, and they are all Catholic. While in the US a person must be white, have blue eyes, and be Anglo-Saxon and Protestant.