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Jan 16, 2025
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PFLP Official Maher Al-Taher: We Lost This Round, But We Have Not Lost The War; This Conflict Is Historic And Open-Ended, The Resistance Will Continue So Long As The Zionist Occupation Remains In Palestine

#11767 | 01:48
Source: Palestine Today TV (Palestinian Islamic Jihad)

On the backdrop of the pending Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, the PFLP's international relations chief Maher Al-Taher said in a January 16, 2025 interview on Palestine Today TV (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) that "the enemy will continue its aggression" and that Israel has acted brutally recently and inflicted painful losses to the Iran-backed resistance axis, but that "this is just one round of the war." He described the conflict against Israel as "historic and open-ended," asserting that there is "no coexistence with the Zionist entity," adding: "We lost one round, but we have not lost the war." He said: "The resistance goes on as long as the Zionist occupation remains in the land of Palestine."

Maher Al-Taher: "The enemy will continue its aggression. Recently it has acted in a very barbaric way on the various fronts. It has been able to make some achievements, and members of the [Resistance] Axis have suffered some losses, and have suffered painful blows. But this is just one round in the war. This is a historic and open-ended conflict, and there cannot be any coexistence with the Zionist entity. Thus, even if we lose a battle here and there, this does not mean that we have lost the war. This war is a continuous and open-ended historic conflict. The conflict with this enemy is raging, and it will continue.


"As for the forces of the resistance and support – we lost one round, but we have not lost the war. The conflict goes on, and the war is open-ended. The resistance goes on as long as the Zionist occupation remains in the land of Palestine."

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