Palestinian scholar Nidhal "Abu Ibrahim" Siam spoke at a rally at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, organized by Hizbu ut-Tahrir, and which was aired on Al-Waqiyah TV (Lebanon) on October 30, 2020. He said that the only response to France and President Macron is to declare Jihad and that the armies of the Caliphate will conquer Rome and France and remove Macron and his "corrupt" civilization. He added that the civilization of France and the West, which he said is the civilization of prostitution, promiscuity, and homosexuality will be replaced with Islamic civilization and justice. The crowd chanted slogans such as: "With Jihad we will destroy your [Macron’s] honor" and "tomorrow we will conquer Paris." For more about Nidhal Siam, see MEMRIT V clips no. 7742, 7516, 7216, 6333, 6098, 6032, and 4373.
Nidhal "Abu Ibrahim" Siam: "The civilization of France and the West is a civilization of lies and sins, a civilization of atheism and heresy. They hate the true religion of Allah, the religion of monotheism. Their civilization is one of prostitution, promiscuity, and homosexuality. This is why they harbor feelings of hatred towards the Prophet Muhammad."
Speaker: "Oh Macron, know your place.'"
Crowd: "Oh Macron, know your place."
Speaker: "With jihad, we will destroy your honor."
Crowd: "'With jihad, we will destroy your honor."
Speaker: "Oh Macron, you lowlife."
Crowd: "Oh Macron, you lowlife."
Speaker: "Tomorrow, we will conquer Paris."
Crowd: "Tomorrow, we will conquer Paris."
Siam: "From the Al-Aqsa Mosque we say to Macron, the enemy of Allah and of His Messenger: Receive the tidings, oh the enemy of Allah and of His Messenger, with that which will displease you! Soon enough, there will be a rightly-guided Caliphate, in the path of the Prophet Muhammad. Its great armies will advance, saying 'Allah Akbar,' and 'There is no God but Allah,' to invade France and conquer Rome, in order to instill justice and spread light there. Soon, oh Macron, we shall remove your corrupt civilization, and purge the land from the filth of your capitalism. Soon, Allah willing, we will rule you with the justice and magnificent civilization of Islam. Then the people of Europe shall realize just how much they were led astray by the French revolution.
"The only response to France and its president is to declare Jihad for the sake of Allah."