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Jan 31, 2025
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Palestinian Politician Jibril Rajoub: The Grandchildren Of The Victims Of The 'Lie' Of The Holocaust Are Perpetrating A Holocaust In Gaza, Using The Same Methods; Hamas Should Let The Palestinian Authority Take Over Gaza And Control Talks With The International Community

#11805 | 01:13
Source: Al-Iraqiya TV (Iraq)

Palestinian politician Jibril Rajoub, secretary of the Fatah Central Committee, said in a January 31, 2025 appearance on Al-Iraqiyah TV (Iraq) that what is happening now in Gaza is a "holocaust." He said that the grandchildren of the "lie" of the Holocaust are using the same methods in Gaza. Rajoub continued to suggest that Hamas welcomes a Palestinian Authority takeover of Gaza, allowing it to be the party that talks to the international community, instead of having Hamas negotiating with Israel.

Jibril Rajoub: "The Israelis have built their lie on the Holocaust. Well, what is happening in Gaza? All of it is a 'caust.' It is a holocaust. It is the same version, and the same method. The only... Someone did this, but unfortunately, the grandchildren of the Holocaust victims are the ones committing a holocaust in Gaza.


"I hope that all my brothers, in all the national action factions, do not succumb to all the enticements or pressures. I was hoping that our brothers in Hamas, from day one, would not enter any negotiations or talks with Netanyahu or anyone else. Rather, they should have said: 'We welcome the Palestinian Authority. It should come and take over Gaza, and be the party that starts talks with the international community.'"

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