In a video of an address before a crowd at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that was uploaded to the Internet on May 10, 2019, Palestinian cleric Nidhal Siam “Abu Ibrahim” said that this Ramadhan, the Russian, American, and British “devils” will be shackled. He said that the “devils” know that every Muslim “constitutes a time bomb that will explode as soon as the Caliph of the Muslims gives the order [to] come to Jihad.” Abu Ibrahim said that these countries have mobilized their armies throughout the Arab world in order to prevent the establishment of an Islamic State, and that it this was not done in order to fight Iran, which he said is a “seal ring on America’s pinky toe” that is “drowning in collaboration.” He added that the Emir of the Believers will soon emerge and declare the liberation of Al-Aqsa.
Following are excerpts:
Nidhal Siam: Rest assured, oh servants of Allah, that during this month of Ramadhan, the devils will be shackled – the devils of America, the devils of Britain, and the devils of Russia.
They know that each and every member of the Islamic nation constitutes a time bomb that will explode, as soon as the Caliph of the Muslims gives the order: Come to Jihad!
They know your weight. They know your magnitude. You are the reason that they have amassed their planes, ships, and armies in our countries. They have mobilized and deployed these forces in the Arabian Gulf, in the Red Sea, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Do you really think that they did this because of Iran? No! Even the lowliest political connoisseur knows that Iran is nothing but a seal ring on America's pinky toe. Even the connoisseur knows that Iran is drowning in collaboration from head to toe. They have mobilized these forces – according to their statements – in order to prevent the establishment of the Islamic State.
Soon, we shall convene here in order to pray behind the Emir of the Believers, and he will declare the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Oh Allah, bring that day soon!
Crowd: Amen!
Nidhal Siam: Oh Allah, bring Your Victory soon!
Crowd: Amen!
Nidhal Siam: Oh Allah, establish the Islamic State!
Crowd: Amen!
Nidhal Siam: Oh Allah, bring the victory You promised us!
Crowd: Amen!
Nidhal Siam: Oh Allah, bring the victory You promised us!
Crowd: Amen!