Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muraikhi delivered the Friday sermon during the funeral of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar on August 2, 2024. He spoke about the honor of martyrdom and asked Allah to reward the 'martyr' Ismail Haniyeh. Haniyeh was assassinated on July 31 during a visit to Tehran, his funeral ceremony in Doha was attended by the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Ahmad Aal Thani as well as many senior leaders of the Palestinian factions, including Khaled Mashaal and Khalil Al-Hayya of Hamas, Ziyad Nakhalah of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Jibril Rajoub and Mahmoud Al-Aloul from the Fatah. The Friday sermon was aired on Al-Rayyan TV (Qatar).
Sheikh Muhammad Al-Muraikhi: "Oh servants of Allah, martyrs are honored by their Lord. Their status is high and their rank is elevated. The Quran says: "Think not of those who were killed for the sake of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord and they are sustained by Him." The Prophet Muhammad said: "No one who enter Paradise would like to return to the world, even if he could have everything on earth, except for the martyr. He will wish to return to the world and be killed ten more times, because of the honor he will receive." This hadith was narrated by Al-Bukhari. May Allah have mercy on our dead and the dead of all Muslims, as well as on our righteous martyrs, and may He accept them into the highest level of Paradise.
"Oh servants of Allah, the Palestinian cause is the mother of all causes. It is the deepest wound among the wounds of the Islamic nation. Palestine and Jerusalem are the responsibility of all the Muslims. It is their land, and their holy places are there. The Muslim media – and especially the Arab media – must assume its role in highlighting this cause, because its is the Muslims' and the Arabs' number one cause. It should be mentioned that Allah granted our country Qatar, our ruler, and his wise government to invest their best efforts and offer whatever they can in support of their brothers in Palestine. This is witnessed by Allah and all the free people. May Allah reward our rulers, may He crown their efforts with success and allow them to attain their goals.
"May Allah have mercy on our martyr Ismaeil Haniyeh, and may Allah destine him to join the company of martyrs. May Allah reward him on behalf of his nation, his cause, and his country. May Allah have mercy on his brothers, who preceded him in the battlefield supporting Palestine.
"Oh Allah, support our Muslim brothers all over the world. Oh Allah, support them in Palestine, Jerusalem, and Gaza, oh Lord of the Universe. Oh Allah unite them around the Quran and the Sunnah, oh Lord of the Universe. Oh Allah booster their force and enhance their shooting, oh Lord of the Universe. Oh Allah, grant them victory over those who oppressed them. Oh Allah, annihilate the enemy of Islam and the Muslims, along with those who support him and stans with him, of Lord of the Universe. On this blessed day, in this blessed hour, we pray for You to send upon the enemy of Islam and the Muslims punishment like the punishment of 'Aad and Thamud, oh Might and Powerful One."