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Jan 08, 2013
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Mufti of Australia Sheik Ibrahim Salem: "The West Produces Lies As Much as It Produces Technology"

#3710 | 01:35
Source: Al-Nas TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with the Mufti of Australia Sheik Ibrahim Salem, which aired on Al-Nas TV on January 8, 2013:

Sheik Ibrahim Salem: Koranic studies [in Australia] are flourishing. Islamic culture is spreading in an extraordinary way, because, as you know, Islam only flourishes where there is freedom. There is great freedom there.

Interviewer: But doesn’t the media exert pressure on you, describing you as terrorists?

Sheik Ibrahim Salem: It happens sometimes. It happens a lot. But as the saying goes, “If Allah wants to spread a virtue secretly, He will do so even through the tongues of the envious.” After 9/11, this “tongue of the envious” was very harsh. The West produces lies just as much as it produces technology. Just like Sanyo and Panasonic, they have factories for lies – these are the students of the schools of Hollywood and Chicago. They are to be found all over the world. Following 9/11, they exerted enormous pressure to the point of intimidation.


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