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Feb 14, 2019
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Mother of Palestinian Knife Attacker in Praise of Son: He Was a Butcher, Knew How to Slaughter

#7021 | 01:26
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

In a February 14, 2019 broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza), the mother of Muhammad Said Muhammad Ali, a 19-year old Palestinian who was killed when he attacked Israeli policemen with a knife at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, said that her son had been "a lion." She praised how he wielded the knife when he attacked the policemen, explaining that he had been a butcher. She then sang: "Muhammad Ali was a courageous man, oh knife commandos… You are the pride of Islam… Your knife sent those midgets running in all directions." She added that Palestine and Allah deserve that Palestinians sacrifice their lives for their sake. The mother's name was not mentioned.

Following are excerpts:


Mother of Palestinian Knife Attacker: I am the mother of the heroic martyr, Muhammad Said Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Said lived in occupied Jerusalem. He was 19 years old. He was martyred at Damascus Gate in occupied Jerusalem after carrying out a stabbing operation.




Muhammad was someone you could rely on. He was a hell of a guy. A butcher. A lion. You could see in the video of the attack how practiced he was in wielding a knife, because he was a butcher. Muhammad was a butcher and knew how to slaughter. If I had to describe Muhammad, I would say: Muhammad Ali was a courageous man, oh knife commandos. You could hear the soldiers of Jerusalem's riot police [screaming] like madmen. You are the pride of Islam, as millions bear witness. Your knife sent those midgets running in all directions.




Our homeland is precious and deserves that we sacrifice our lives for it. The Lord deserves that we sacrifices our lives for His sake.

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