Lebanese researcher Hani Suleiman said in an August 4, 2024 show on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that in the wake of October 7, he took to reading Hitler's Mein Kampf. He said that according to the book, in 1914 the Jews controlled the economy of Germany and Europe, and the same is true today, because the Jews have not repented.
Hani Suleiman: "We are fighting the consequences of World War I. World War I was led by the Zionist movement, and while it was raging, the Balfour Declaration and the Sykes-Picot partition took place. Is this a fact or am I imagining?"
Reporter: "It is a fact."
Suleiman: "Among the consequences of that war was the occupation and partition of our countries. This leads us to World War II that solidified the Zionist entity. So we are not fighting in a direct confrontation between two armies. Rather, we are fighting a global system, and this is the message of our nation. This message is eternal, because you are fighting all the forces of evil in the world. You know, in the wake of October 7, one likes to revisit some reading from the past, so I bumped into Hitler's book Mein Kampf. "
Reporter: "Why that book of all books?"
Suleiman: "I wanted to learn about Hitler and the Jews. Hitler says that in 1914, when he was still a young man who wanted to defend his country, he asked for permission to fight, and then... it's a long story. In any case, he says that back then, in 1914, the jews controlled the economy of Germany and Europe."
Reporter: "Back then..."
Suleiman: "Yes, back then, but this story continues today. It's not as though these people have repented."