Lebanese journalist Pierre Abi Saab said in an August 2, 2024 interview on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that he wishes there to be a "knockout blow" against Israel, regardless of the price Lebanon would have to pay. He said: "Bring me Netanyahu's entrails like in the wars of the Middle Ages […] I cannot restrain my desire to uproot this cancerous cell once and for all."
Abi Saab: "I don't care at what price, there should be a knockout blow [against Israel]. I'm not trying to look down on anyone, but the way I personally feel – bring me Netanyahu's entrails, like in the wars of the Middle Ages. Otherwise, we've done nothing. But this is not up to me, and maybe this isn't the time..."
Interviewer: "Netanyahu's entrails... What do you mean by this metaphoric expression?"
Saab: "In the wars of the Middle Ages, they would bring as booty the heads, entrails, and intestines of the…"
Interviewer: "So you prefer an all out war that will end with a winner and a loser, and we will get Netanyahu's head?"
Saab: "I am inclined towards war, but I know how much it will cost us in blood and destruction. The cost will be tremendous. One must not downplay any of this, but I cannot restrain my desire to uproot this cancerous cell once and for all. If we lose, we will deal with it. Either we will run away, or they will put us in prison or kill us, or we can emigrate from here, or we can be just be treated like helpless people, the way it's been throughout history. Or maybe we will win. Or we can win and be over with this."