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Sep 03, 2024
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Lebanese Journalist Kamal Zebian On Palestine TV: The Zionists Exploited The 'Lie Of The Holocaust' In Order To Guilt The Germans And Europeans Into Facilitating Their Plans

#11384 | 01:04
Source: Palestinian Authority TV

Lebanese journalist Kamal Zebian said in an interview aired on September 3, 2024 on Palestine TV that Israel was created under the banner of the Zionist "lie of the Holocaust." He said that the Zionists exploited the Holocaust, which he claimed never happened, in order to guilt the Germans and Europeans into facilitating the Zionists' plans.

Kamal Zebian: "The Zionist entity was founded under the banner of the Holocaust – that Zionist lie – and the lie that 'the Arabs want to throw us into the sea.' You know, the media..."

Interviewer: "Yes, that narrative."

Kamal Zebian: "There is no such thing as the Holocaust. There are facts – some Jews or Zionists might have been burned, but not in those numbers... They exploited the Holocaust in order to create a guilt complex for the Germans first of all, and for the Europeans as well, in order to reach the goal they had been planning for. They have a plan, and we must always examine the Zionist enemy's plans."

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