Lebanese journalist Hassan Hamade claimed in a January 4, 2025 appearance on OTV (Lebanon) that Adolf Eichmann was a Zionist Jew. He said that it was exposed in his trial that he secured the transfer of his family from Germany to Palestine. Hamade claimed that many key Nazi Officials were in fact Zionist Jews. He recounted the trope that Jewish private banks took over the Federal Reserve in 1913, claiming they were not “exclusively Americans” but they were all Jewish. In May 2020, Hamade said that Lebanon is a guinea pig meant to serve the Jews. He also said that the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and Morgans are the "brood of vipers" behind ISIS, the conflict in America, and possibly the coronavirus pandemic. He said that they constitute the "global government." In March 2021, he said that the Rothschild family has a monopoly of the drug trade in the world and the Rockefeller family has a monopoly over the oil industry.
Hassan Hamade: "In 1913, there was a coup d'état – a putsch – in the United States. What was that coup? It was when the private banks took over the Federal Reserve, and became themselves the Federal Reserve. They took over the Central Bank..."
Interviewer: "And it continues to this day."
Hamade: "They appropriated the Central Bank's exclusive right to print dollars. They started to have their own dollar printing press. These are private banks belonging to regular people. Of course, they were big capitalists..."
Interviewer: "Jews."
Hamade: "Yes, they were all Jews. Twelve families, who own twelve banks, have founded the Federal Reserve. This is how power was transferred... Why did I call it a putsch and coup? Actual power was transferred from the constitutional institutions... It could not be detected and it was not acknowledged, but in practice, power was transferred from the constitutional institutions to the financial institutions."
Interviewer: "This is the deep state that exists in America now."
Hamade: "Of course. This is how the deep state was born and this is how it has survived.
"This Federal Reserve, which has taken over the [money-printing] authority – they are not exclusively Americans. The owners of the Federal Reserve are from various countries, and what unites them is that they are all Jews.
"It was the financial institutions of Wall Street that brought the Nazis to power in Germany. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that they are supporting Nazism today, wherever it appears, in Ukraine and so on..."
Interviewer: "Are you saying that they are avenging Hitler? Are they now avenging him for what he could not do...?"
Hamade: "There is a widespread misconception about Hitler – that Hitler and Zionism were sworn enemies. No. Hitler attacked every anti-Zionist Jew. A large number of the key members of the Nazi Party were Zionist Jews. Even in the trial of the German Zionist Jew officer... He was part of the Nazi Party. He was a Nazi officer. I forget his name. After the World War and the establishment of the State of Israel, they brought him in from Argentina..."
Interviewer: "Wasn't it Eichmann?"
Hamade: "Adolf Eichmann. Well done. Him. In his trial.... Eichmann was a Zionist Jew."
Interviewer: "Yes."
Hamade: "He secured the transfer of..."
Interviewer: "His family?"
Hamade: "No, the transfer of the Zionists from Germany to..."
Interviewer: "Argentina?"
Hamade: "No, from Germany to Palestine."
Interviewer: "Ah, okay."