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Jul 16, 2024
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Lebanese Ba'ath Party Leader Ali Hijazi: It Is A Disgrace That We Let Hizbullah Fight On Its Own; If The Israelis Consider Invading Lebanon, All Lebanese Factions, Not Just Hizbullah, Will Raid The Galilee

#11256 | 02:43
Source: Online Platforms - "Podium Plus on YouTube"

Lebanese Ba'ath Party Leader Ali Hijazi said in an interview that was uploaded to Podium Plus on YouTube on July 16, 2024 that it is a disgrace that his movement let Hizbullah fight Israel on its own. He said that if Israel considers invading Lebanon, the Galilee will be invaded by all the factions in Lebanon, and perhaps fighters from elsewhere would join in an all-out war. Hijazi said that Lebanon is not under siege like Gaza is and that Bashar Al-Assad and his regime in Syria provide a direct line of 'supply for missiles and technology to Lebanon.

Interviewer: "You are saying that the resistance will invade the Galilee..."

Ali Hijazi: "Not just by Hizbullah..."

Interviewer: "What do you mean?"

Hijazi: "All the factions of the resistance.

Interviewer: "So you are saying that all the political parties..."

Hijazi: "All of them. If the Israelis consider invading Lebanon, thinking that we in the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party would sit idly by, they can just forget it."

Interviewer: "You once declared the establishment of the military faction..."

Hijazi: "Correct. Perhaps the circumstances of the war [so far] have been complex, and we were not ready at a level that would allow us to become involved in it. However, if we go to an all-out war, we will all join it."

Interviewer: "You say that you were not ready. Are you ready now?"

Hijazi: "We are building our readiness. We are preparing more and more. An all-out war would make it easier for us to overcome many obstacles that might have slowed us down."

Interviewer: "Is there any coordination with the resistance about a plan, in case..."

Hijazi: "Yes, it is done publicly. All the parties will become involved. Even the Amal Movement, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party..."

Interviewer: "So there is an agreement about a joint plan."

Hijazi: "Absolutely, we will all fight together. This is a war of all of us together. It is a disgrace that we let Hizbullah fight on its own, and we only applaud and support from behind. Who says tens of thousands of fighters would not join from outside of Lebanon?"

Interviewer: "Who, for example?"

Hijazi: "Palestinian resistance, Yemeni resistance, Iraqi resistance, Syrian resistance...


"Imagine if President Bashar Al-Assad were not in Syria right now? What would happen to the resistance? All this technological development and all these missiles – I am certain that they did not pass through Beirut airport or seaport. We all know that they came through Syria. All this development, if there was a different regime, another government, or a president other than Bashar Al-Assad – what would have happened to the resistance in Lebanon?

"If we say that a war with us would be different than a war with the Palestinians in Gaza – what is the reason for that? The reason is that we feel safe with regard to our borders and supply lines. We are not under siege like the resistance in Gaza. We know that nobody will stab us in the back and nobody will abandon us."

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