Recently, there has been a claim that martyrdom is an act of extremism. Why?! It is art! It is light because in light of the great imbalance in the region and the world, and in light of Israeli's miltary supremacy over the Arab regimes and over the entire nation-- the concept of martyrdom appeared in order to create a strategic balance. An airplane takes off and kills 100 people. Then, someone who believes in his god and the world to come says (to Israel): "This operation is dedicated to you!" This is regardless of the target--whether civilians or soldiers should be targeted is another issue. I'm speaking of the operation itself. A hundred people are killed and balance is achieved. But then they come and invent the story that "No, this martyrdom is a prohibited act of extremism." By God, according to my religion and belief, martyrdom for the sake of faith and for the sake of my values is justified and is not extremism.