Kuwaiti Imam Sheikh Naji Al-Kharas said in a Friday, August 21, 2020 sermon that was uploaded to his YouTube channel that all the Arab peace agreements with Israel and the Jews, including the Camp David Accords, the Oslo Accords, and the Jordan-Israel peace agreement, are null and void because they "abolish the Jihad." He elaborated that it is impermissible to sign a permanent peace agreement with the enemy.
Sheikh Naji Al-Kharas: "The Arabs have tried to negotiate and sign peace agreements with the Jews. Obviously, all these agreements are null and void. They are all null and void – the Camp David Accord, the Oslo Accord, the [Jordanian-Israeli agreement] of Wadi Arabah, and the ensuing agreements. Why are they null and void? Because they abolish the jihad. You are not allowed to sign a permanent [peace] agreement with the enemy. If you sign an agreement, it must be temporary, and that's it. Nobody said one can sign a permanent agreement. This won't be found in the Quran or the Sunnah. Can one abolish the jihad? The jihad must not be abolished."