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Sep 01, 2013
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Kurdish Syrian MP Omar Ose: Israel, U.S. Bases in the Gulf Will Be Targeted by Iranian and Syrian Missiles in the Event of an American Strike in Syria

#3974 | 58
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Kurdish Syrian MP Omar Ose, which aired on Al-Manar TV on September 1, 2013.


Omar Ose: I hope that I am wrong and that aggression against Syria will not take place, but in the event that it does, and we find ourselves at war – Camp As Sayliyah in Qatar is within the range of Syrian and Iranian missiles.



The U.S. Marines base in Bahrain – the largest naval base in the world – and bases in Saudi Arabia will all become targets for the Syrian and Iranian strategic ballistic missiles.



Israel will also be showered with tens of thousands of missiles, and the future of the Zionist Entity will be in question.





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