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Jan 24, 2025
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Al-Jazeera Documentary On Hamas Military Commanders During The War Includes Exclusive Footage Provided By Al-Qassam Brigades Of Muhammad Deif, Yahya Sinwar, Interview With Military Leader Izz Al-Din Al-Haddad

#11784 | 04:30
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

On January 24, 2025, Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) aired a documentary featuring Hamas senior military commanders during the planning of the October 7 attack and the ensuing war. The documentary included never-before-released exclusive footage provided by Hamas’s Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades. Al-Qassam commanders, including Chief of Staff Muhammad Deif – with his face blurred – were shown overseeing the plans and training for the October 7 attack.

The documentary also included an exclusive interview with Izz Al-Din Al-Haddad, a member of the general military council of the Al-Qassam Brigades and the commander of the Gaza Brigade, who is wanted by Israel. Al-Jazeera conducted the interview under strict security measures dictated by the Al-Qassam Brigades during the final stages of the ceasefire talks. Al-Haddad stated that Israeli leaders would have no choice but to succumb to the “just demands” of Hamas.

Additionally, the documentary featured footage of Yahya Sinwar visiting fighters on the battlefield and planning attacks in a house evacuated by Israeli forces during the war.

Narrator: "In this documentary, we have managed to obtain exclusive footage, released by the Al-Qassam Brigades for the first time. From within the headquarters of its military council, which oversaw the planning for the Al-Aqsa Flood."

Muhammad Deif: "Just like you, I am planted here, and I have thousands of seeds in this land. No matter how much the tyrants try to uproot us, the seeds will sprout."

Narrator: "This is Muhammad Deif, Chief of Staff of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades. This is exclusive and rare footage of the man, which is released by Al-Qassam for the first time. Deif is standing in the military command headquarters, adding the finishing touches to the details of the operation, several days before its launch."

Deif: "We can advance and have some sort of initiative, which will change the course of history in its entirety."


Narrator: "One of Muhammad Deif's comrades and a member of the close circle overseeing the Al-Aqsa Flood, this is Izz Al-Din Al-Haddad, member of the general military council of the Al-Qassam Brigades. He is the commander of the Gaza Brigade in the military wing of Hamas. Israel accuses him of being one of the top commanders of the Al-Aqsa Flood, and of rehabilitating the capabilities of the Brigades in northern Gaza during the last war. Israel has announced several times its attempts to target him. We have obtained an interview with Izz Al-Din Al-Haddad, following strict security measures, dictated by the Al-Qassam Brigades. The man appeared despite the security complications, at a time when the last touches were added to the declared ceasefire agreement. Al-Haddad emphasized Al-Qassam's position during the stages of the agreement's implementation."

Izz Al-Din Al-Haddad: "The leaders of the occupation, who are reinforced by the U.S. and the West, will have no choice by to succumb to our just demands of ending the aggression, withdrawing from all of the Gaza Strip, releasing our prisoners in the occupation's prisons, especially those who serve life sentences, lifting the siege, and rebuilding [Gaza]."

Narrator: "In the battlefield, this is the leader of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar. The Al-Aqsa Flood has become tied to his name. He is fighting the occupation army above ground, not underground. This footage, which is presented for the first time by Al-Qassam Brigades, documents how Al-Sinwar commanded a number of operations against the Israeli forces' incursion in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. The man is seen here, walking in several areas, among ambushes and the resistance fighters, in order to lift their morale."

Yahya Sinwar: "Freedom has a crimson door, knock upon by every blood-stained hand."

Narrator: "Here, Yahya Al-Sinwar is sitting with the commander of the Tel Al-Sultan Brigade in Rafah, Mahmoud Hamdan. They were comrades in fighting and in martyrdom. They are planning several operations carried out by the Al-Qassam Brigades, over a number of weeks in Rafah. Yahya Al-Sinwar is standing here, looking at an Israeli APC, after it was targeted and put out of commission. This footage documents a part of the life of the leader of Hamas, whose steps the Israeli intelligence failed to follow, while he was carrying his walking stick and brandishing his weapon, fighting at point blank, before he was killed in a direct confrontation with the occupation soldiers, who were surprised, like the whole world, by his presence. However, the march of fighting and resistance does not end with his death."

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