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Nov 29, 2016
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Israeli Knesset Member Ayman Odeh at Seventh Fatah Conference: Next Conference Will Be Held in Palestinian Capital of East Jerusalem; Crowd Chants: "Millions of Martyrs Marching to Jerusalem"

#5793 | 01:09
Source: Palestinian Authority TV

Israeli Knesset member Ayman Odeh, speaking on November 29 at the Seventh Fatah Conference held in Ramallah, said: "We will be with you at the Eighth Fatah Conference in East Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine." Odeh's address was received by applause and by chants of "Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem." The proceedings of the Fatah conference were broadcast on Palestine TV.


Ayman Odeh: "Brothers and sisters, as the great [Yasser Arafat] used to say: 'They see it as far off, but we see it as near.' We will be with you at the Eighth Fatah Conference, which will be held in East Jerusalem, the capital of the State of Palestine. Assalaam alaykum. Allah's mercy and blessings on you."

Audience: "Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem. 

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem.

"Millions of martyrs are marching to Jerusalem."

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