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Jan 18, 2025
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IRGC Navy Unveils Underground 'Vessel City' Comprised Of Adjacent Tunnels In Which Missile Boats Are Stored: The 'Zolfaghar' Speedboats Can Destroy A U.S. Aircraft Carrier; IRGC Commander-In-Chief: We Can Now Deal With Threats Even Beyond The Persian Gulf

#11763 | 03:12
Source: Channel 2 (Iran)

On January 18, 2025, Channel 2 (Iran) aired a rare-access report about the unveiling of an IRGC underground naval base containing a "vessel city" where numerous naval combat vessels are stored in a "labyrinth of tunnels, one next to the other." These vessels include "Red Hornet" speedboats reportedly equipped with a "huge" number of cruise missiles, Zolfaghar boats that have been recently updated with weapon systems and high-explosive cruise missiles that can "destroy" an American aircraft carrier on their own, and Taregh stealth-capable speedboats that have a carbon fiber fuselage – supposedly causing them to appear on enemy radars as a fishing boat – and can fire "smart" cruise missiles even when traveling at speeds exceeding 180kph. The base was also visited by IRGC Navy Commander General Alireza Tangsiri, and the IRGC Commander-in-Chief has said that the IRGC Navy "is now capable of dealing with threats even beyond the Persian Gulf."

Reporter: "[IRGC Navy Commander] General Tangsri has spoken about this place. After the IRIB News Agency received very rare access, we were given permission to prepare a report about one of the IRGC's 'vessel cities' where 'Red Hornets', equipped with a huge number of naval cruise missiles, are stored. For the first time, footage from the navy's underground vessel cities is released by IRIB's news agency.

"Here, in the IRGC Navy's underground vessel cities, there is a labyrinth of tunnels, one next to the other. Numerous dedicated IRGC vessels are stored here. For example, this vessel is called Zolfaghar, and it is capable of launching missiles. Its goal is to strike the American destroyers and aircraft carriers.

"Now, following a massive upgrade of the Zolhfaghar boats' weapon system and cruise missiles, which are equipped with high-explosive warheads, three Zolhfaghar boats can destroy an enemy aircraft carrier all by themselves."

General Alireza Tangsiri: "This is the term used by the Americans themselves. They call our vessels 'Red Hornets'."

Reporter: "This means that if they sting, the vessel will sink for sure..."

Tangsiri: "Yes, it is a lethal sting. These [vessels] have stealth capability. One of their capabilities is their extremely high speed. Only a very small section of the hull touches the water."

Reporter: "And simultaneously, they can fire missiles at the target."

Tangsiri: "The boats can fire their missiles even when traveling at very high speeds."

Reporter: 'The commander of the IRGC Navy made this point when we were standing next to the Navy's new Taregh speedboat, which has a carbon [fiber] body and which can launch its 'smart' cruise missiles at a speed of at least 180 km/h. Because of the Taregh' design and the material of its body, enemy radars identify it as a small fishing boat.

"During his visit to this underground base belonging to the IRGC Navy, the IRGC Commander-in-Chief said that the Navy is now capable of dealing with threats even beyond the Persian Gulf."


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