IRGC Commander-in-Chief Hossein Salami visited an underground missile base in a January 10, 2025 report aired on Channel 2 (Iran). The reporter stated that this is one of "hundreds" of such bases, and claimed that missiles from this based were launched at the Israeli Nevatim Airbase during the September 2024 True Promise II attack. The IRGC Commander-in Chief was accompanied by IRGC Aerospace Force Hajizadeh on the visit. They were seen walking over Israeli and American flags that had been painted on the floors of the missile base. Salami said that while the enemy might be thinking that Iran's missile production capability has been cut, the missiles have actually been updated and their number has increased.
Narrator: "July 2008, Iran's Central Desert. The cameras of Iran's broadcasting authority aired to the world Iranian missiles being launched. General Hossein Salami, back then the commander of the Aerospace Force, said that this was a small part of Iran's missile and attack capabilities. Today, General Hossein Salami, the IRGC Commander-in-Chief, is visiting this base, which is one of hundreds of underground missile bases of the IRGC Aerospace Force. He is accompanied by General Hajizadeh, the commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force, who is providing explanations about the different parts of the base. This base is like a dormant volcano that lies in the belly of the mountain.
"In Operation True Promise 2, the missiles from this base managed to penetrate the many dense air defense systems of the Zionist regime, and to destroy the Nevatim Airbase, where most of that regime's F-35 fighter jets are stationed. The Zionist regime still has not managed to restore the security status of the Nevatim Airbase. The IRGC Commander-in-Chief said that he came here to salute the forces in this base, who operated in True Promise 1 and 2, and to get an update about the operational status of the missile units stationed here. According to the images, the liquid-fueled Emad, Ghadr, and Ghiam missiles are part of the strategic assets of this tactical base, and are kept here.
"The Iranian broadcasting authority's news agency, despite the tight security arrangements, received permission to show only a small part of this iceberg. In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg that peeps above the water. This means that other parts, which make up 90% of the base, were not exposed to our cameras."
Hossein Salami: "Every day, in all corners of this land, the number of missiles and systems is growing. The enemy might be thinking that our production capability has been cut off, but the growth rate of our missile force is according to plan. [This is true of] all the parts of our force, but, indeed, the missiles have been updated and increased every day, in terms of quantity, quality, capabilities, and planning."
Narrator: "The meaning of this growth in our capability is that the IRGC Aerospace Force will unveil in the near future new missiles of its production, as well as other missile bases. Perhaps we should also wait for a new operational wonder that will again disrupt the calculations and equations in west Asia. Younes Shadlou, the broadcasting authority's news agency, is one of the hundreds of missile bases of the IRGC Aerospace Force."