Iraqi writer, Dr. Hisham al-'Iqabi, appeared in a talk show on the London-based channel, Al-Mustaqila, and criticized Arab culture and society. Following are excerpts:
We blame our leaders, but this is as if you play cards against someone and say: "This isn't a good man, he beat me and didn't give my money back." We don't have a case. The Arab rulers sit carefree on their thrones.
Imam Ali said of our people: "We make no use of what we learn, ask not about what we don't know, and fear no catastrophe before it happens." We are a listless people. I can get you my English neighbor and you pick anyone from the Arab world, compare them and you'd think the Arab lives in hell, but he's content, every morning declaring: "Jealousy gets you nowhere," "He who envies others, dies of worry", and "Praise be to Allah." Man, satisfaction with humiliation has become our folklore.
We applaud a murderer. This people applauds a murderer. In its view, a hero is one who murders and slaughters. They used to call Saddam Hussein brave?
I'll give you an example and you decide for yourself. The slaughter of that American under the slogan "Allah Akhbar." You know, in schools today in Jordan ? and forgive me that I do not reveal the schools' or teachers' names, and if the Education Minister wants he can call me ? six- and seven-year-old children are shown how to slaughter and the children have to shout "Allah Akhbar."
There are thousands of terrified children in Amman who cannot sleep at night. They must be shown the act of slaughter. Can anything good come out of this generation? Murder has become our folklore. Folklore. Believe me, folklore.
What killed us were the ideas that armed the Arab people with weapons of psychological destruction and made the Arabs reject democracy, like the body sometimes rejects antibiotics and refuses to be healed. We instilled in them 'great ideas' and illusions to the point that everything coming from America is not for us.
We just discussed France, but the greatest democratic regime in the world is the US. In comparison, Europe is backward in its democracy. Did you know that the US, which we love to hate, is the only country in the world that allows you to lie to the state and publish lies without being arrested? Some of us rely on the American media, stating, "an American paper said!" These are all lies, because lies don't get you in jail. If you lie in France, you are sent to a prison worse than the Iraqi prison. In Canada, they execute you.
This America we are talking about has the greatest democratic experience, and it did not come (to the Middle East) because of our beautiful eyes; it came with a clear plan. This is a different America since 9/11.