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Jun 02, 2005
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Iraqi Song in Praise of Women: A Woman Is Man's Best Friend

#704 | 02:20
Source: Al-Furat TV (Iraq)

The following is a song entitled "An ode to the Iraqi woman," Which aired on Al-Furat TV on June 2, 2005

Singer:The woman is half of society, oh you who don't already know this. The woman is the greatest school, if you think about it. The woman is half of society, oh you who don't already know this. The woman is the greatest school, if you think about it. She doesn't only cook and toil in the kitchen, She doesn't only cook and toil in the kitchen, She doesn't only raise the children.

Backup Singers: The woman, the woman, is a school for all ages, is a school for all ages.

Singer: The woman is the light which illuminates all corners of the house, She raised me and taught me, and showed me the way. The woman is the light which illuminates all corners of the house, The raised me and taught me, taught me, and showed me the way. She stayed awake at nights and grew tired. She suffered greatly, until I grew up. She stayed awake at nights and grew tired. She suffered greatly, until I grew up, She tolerated all the gossip.

Backup Singers: The woman, the woman, Is a school for all ages, Is a school for all ages.

Singer: The woman is man's best friend. The woman is the lantern that lights the way. The woman is man's best friend. The woman is the lantern that lights the way. She stays awake at night, as much as she can, and does not complain. She stays awake at nights, as much as she can, and does not complain. She paves the way to hope.

Backup Singers: The woman, the woman, Is a school for all ages, Is a school for all ages.

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