Hasan 'Abbasi: As for (Ronald Reagan's) character, I felt that this man, on the other side of the world, had an aggressive character and an active attitude, conservative opinions and, in fact, a Republican?
Now, we see that the leader of all the despicable people has departed the world as of Saturday. The leader of all the despicable people has become part of history. But the offspring of these despicable people are continuing in the steps of Reagan.
Mr. George W. Bush and his father said, after the announcement of Ronald Reagan's death, "We have learned much from Reagan."
In India, we witnessed the destruction of the Babari Mosque. The radical Hindus tried to establish their idol shrine, their special temple in place of the mosque. This plan was executed in India under Israeli pressure in order to rouse hatred in places sensitive for Muslims, thus, making the job easier for Israel.
Israel, in order to ease the pressure on its shoulders, claims that conflicts between Muslims and Jews exist not only in Al-Aqsa Mosque, but that the Babari Mosque is also a battleground for Muslims and Hindus. As you know, in India, in the first 24 hours after the destruction of the Babari mosque 1200 Muslims rushed to the scene in response and were all martyred.
Moderator: (Israel) wants to turn the conflict between the Zionists and the Muslims into a false conflict between Muslims and all religions.
'Abbasi: All religions.
Following the Israeli-American plan to dismantle the world of Islam, the plan for the operation against Saudi Arabia and its destruction is already on their agenda. The sort of conflict that erupted in the Babari Mosque in India and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Palestine, in Karbala, Najaf, in Al-Sahla Mosque in Kufa, Iraq - we will see its final step in Mecca and Al-Madina. Surely, when the Americans and Israelis enter Saudi Arabia, they will implement the plan to dismantle it?
The three trends of Judaism, Christianity, and Modernism attack, today, the key points sensitive to all Muslims. They are cutting the branch they are sitting on. The US is mistaken in creating this situation. Surely, as a result of the hatred against it, it must expect great measures against it in coming years. It is not Islam that is dangerous to others, but the US, Israel, modernity, Christianity, and Judaism that are dangerous for the Muslims. As you can see, they destroy the mosques.