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Mar 01, 2010
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Iranian Leader Khamenei Meets with Heads of Palestinian Factions

#2407 | 01:19
Source: Al-Alam Network (Iran)

The following are excerpts from a conference in which Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei meets with heads of Palestinian factions. The conference aired on Al-Alam TV on March 1, 2010.

Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al: Honorable Leader, some people are trying today to drive a wedge between the Arab and the Islamic resistance movements, between the resistance movements of Palestine and between Syria, between the Lebanese resistance and the Islamic Republic of Iran. These attempts are destined for failure. We are in the same trench, confronting the enemy of our nation: Israel, and whoever stands behind Israel – America and others.

We say loud and clear: The basic principle is that the nation unites against its common enemy, not that we incite against one another, and invite an Israeli or American war against any part in the region.

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