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Jun 25, 2020
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Iranian Filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh: The Russian Duma Is Controlled By Jews, The Zionist Lobby

#8110 | 00:50
Source: Channel 5/Tehran TV (Iran)

In a June 25, 2020 interview on Channel 5 (Iran), Iranian filmmaker Nader Talebzadeh described economist Milton Friedman as a Jew whose economic theories made many countries miserable. He added that during the privatization process in the time of Gorbachev, "all the big factories fell in the hands of the Jews" and that the Russian Duma is mostly controlled by the Jews and the Zionist lobby.

Nader Talebzadeh: "Privatization began in accordance with [Milton] Friedman's theories. He was a Jew whose economic theories made many countries miserable. And although Imam [Khomeini] had warned Gorbachev not to become like America, he still went ahead and started privatization [in the USSR]. All the big factories in Russia fell into the hands of the Jews. Today, Putin needs to struggle against the Duma because it is mostly controlled by the Jews and the Zionist lobby."

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