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Jan 15, 2025
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Iranian International Affairs Expert Mostafa Khoshcheshm Refutes President Pezeshkian’s Claim That Iran Never Plotted to Kill Trump: We Put a Price on His Head, I Remember Several Officials Talking about Killing Him

#11764 | 01:19
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

Iranian international affairs expert Mostafa Khoshcheshm said in a January 15, 2025 show on Channel 1 (Iran) that the Europeans have never really had a say in the Iranian nuclear case and have deferred to the United States. He also said: "Do you really want to negotiate with [Donald Trump,] the killer of [IRGC Qods Force Commander] Hajj Qasem [Soleimani]? The [Iranian] government must answer this question." He also said he recalls that "several officials" have spoken about killing Trump.

Mostafa Khoshcheshm: "Essentially, the Europeans do not have any say in [Iran's nuclear] case. This is how it has been since the beginning.

We made three agreements with them between 2003 and 2005, and ultimately, we fulfilled all our obligations, but at the end, they said: 'Sorry, there is nothing we can do. America is our boss, so you need to negotiate with America.'


"There is a question that needs an answer. Trump killed Hajj Qasem [Soleimani]. Do you really want to negotiate with the killer of Hajj Qasem? The [Iranian] government must answer this question.


"On day one [after Soleimani's killing], you put a price on Trump's head. Now 'our friends' say that they did not talk about killing him, although I do remember several officials talking about killing him.


"We must not forget that Trump is one of the 88 people that the Islamic Republic wants to bring to court and to get retribution, and so on."

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