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Jan 24, 2025
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Omid-Reza Sattari On Iran TV: LA Fires Constitute Divine Punishment For America's Use Of Hollywood To Force Its Aggression And Menace Upon The World

#11774 | 02:01
Source: Qazvin TV (Iran)

Iranian cultural and media activist Omid-Reza Sattari said in a January 18, 2025 show on Qazvin TV (Iran) that the Los Angeles fires are proof of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei's statement that America is weak and that its decline is inevitable despite its glory and splendor. Sattari said that for years, the United States has managed to maintain its status as a superpower by using the dollar, by using aggression, and by using the media and the Hollywood film industry to force its values upon the world. He said that this is why fires are consuming Los Angeles, as divine retribution for the menace and damage Hollywood has caused. He also said that every time the United States wanted to "carry out crimes" in a certain country, Hollywood would create movies with themes related to those countries, in order to prime the world’s public opinion to accept the American government's crimes.

Omid-Reza Sattari: "The great Leader of the Revolution has mentioned many times a very important key sentence: 'America today is weaker by orders of magnitude than it was 40 years ago, when the revolution was victorious. Just like the glory and splendor of the famous Titanic did not prevent it from sinking, the glory and splendor of America will not prevent its decline, and America will, indeed, sink.' As time goes by, the signs that prove this statement by the great Leader of the Revolution become clear.


"Throughout the years, and to this day, America has managed to present itself to the world as a superpower, on the basis of three things: By using the dollar, by using aggression and crime, and by using the media and Hollywood's film industry.


"What America has used in its attempt to force itself upon the world is being completely consumed by the fires [in LA]. The damage caused to the [film] industry constitutes a type of punishment for the aggression and menace that it has imposed upon the people of the world, by means of the media.

"Anywhere in the world, where the U.S. set foot, in order to carry out crimes – Hollywood had produced a film, years before, with themes that are related to that place, in order to prepare the world's public opinion, so that it accepts the crimes of the American government. The same tool that paved the ground for America's control of the world's public and for the plunder of the resources of the world's countries is being burned by the fire of divine wrath."


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