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Dec 14, 2024
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Iranian High School Students Chant 'Death To Palestine!' In Response To An Administrator Leading A Chant Of 'Death To Israel! Death To America!'

#11651 | 01:24
Source: Online Platforms - "Roodast News on Telegram "

In a viral video posted on various social media accounts on December 14, 2024, Iranian high school students can be heard chanting "Death to Palestine!" in response to the school administrator trying to lead chants of "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America!" The students can be heard laughing as an administrator attempts to set a makeshift Israeli flag on fire.

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to America!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

Administrator: "Death to Israel!"

Students: "Death to Palestine!"

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