Imam Muhammad Musri, president of American Islam and Chairman of the Board of the Islamic Society of Central Florida said in several Friday sermons he delivered in Orlando, Florida that Congress members will support Muslim causes once they become Muslims. He stated: "If you want them to stand with you, teach them Islam." He said that the attack on Gaza is part of an Israeli plan to commit genocide against the Palestinians, and it is not merely a response to the October 7 attack. Musri said that this is "no different than what Hitler wanted to do to the Jews." He explained that this is "ironic," because the grandparents of the Israelis fled Nazi Germany, and took refuge in Palestine, while now they are doing to the Palestinians what Hitler did to their grandparents.
The sermons were delivered on October 13, 2023 and November 3, 2023 and uploaded to the YouTube account of American Islam. American Islam is described as a "national organization representing and working to empower moderate Islam" on its website. According to his biography on the American Islam website, Muhammad Musri serves as an advisor on Islam and Muslims to various U.S. government agencies, and he is a member and past co-chairman of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida.
Muhammad Musri: "The people who killed prophets, the people who went against Allah — do you think they are going to care about you, about your children — not possible.
"They received the words of Allah, and they changed and twisted them even after they knew what it [the Torah] was saying. If they are willing to do that against Allah, their Creator, if they are willing to slaughter prophets, do you think there is an ounce of humanity in them, that they would not slaughter children?
"They wish to extinguish the light of Allah by their words, their mouths, their writings, their statements. That is their goal in reality. Look at the movies they make, look at the news they share, everything comes down to one thing: They are not fighting you, they are fighting Allah. They are fighting the light of Allah, the truth, because if you support them and their cause, you become a hero, a champion, and if you support Allah, you become a terrorist.
"Isn’t that what we wish when we go out and want to demonstrate or write to members of Congress? We want them to stand with us.
They are not going to stand with you, because their hearts are against you. But if you want them to stand with you, teach them Islam. Once they become Muslim, they will sympathize with you, they will understand you, they will see the truth for themselves. You don’t have to ask them or explain to them, they [will] know it.
"Perhaps Allah will make the very people who are opposing you now, one day, be on your side and defend you.
"So we have to understand the big picture, what they are trying to do. There is no just intention: 'Oh, this is a response to what happened on October 7.' [The attack on Gaza] is a plan they were going to do anyway, before the events of October 7.
"What they are saying is that they want to commit genocide, they want to erase everybody. [They have] no mercy to women and children. They say that these children, when they grow up, they are going to be fighters again. That is the plan. It is no different than what Hitler wanted to do to the Jews. The irony is that their parents and grandparents fled from Nazi Germany and took refuge, where Palestinians took them, and now they are doing what Hitler was doing to their grandparents."