Following are excerpts from a speech given by Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, aired on Al-Manar TV on February 23, 2006.
Hassan Nasrallah: America, America you are the Great Satan.
Crowd: America, America, you are the Great Satan.
America, America, you are the Great Satan.
America, America, you are the Great Satan.
Hassan Nasrallah: America, America, the enemy of the Muslims.
Crowd: America, America, the enemy of the Muslims.
Hassan Nasrallah: Those who have come at night, like bats, will hear Lebanon saying: Death to America.
Crowd: Death to America.
Death to America.
Death to America.
Death to America.
Hassan Nasrallah: Do we really need the news about the destruction or bombing of a dome, a mosque, and minarets to become a regular thing for the Muslims? Where does the danger lie in all the scenes we see on TV? If this becomes a regular thing, this is undoubtedly a Zionist plot to get the Islamic nation accustomed to the destruction of its domes, minarets, and sacred tombs, so it will be easier for the nation to accept it, the day the Zionist Jews destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque, God forbid.
Imam Khamenei was very clear when he said: "The Zionists are behind the offensive cartoons, and they are trying to arouse civil strife between the Muslims and the Christians throughout the world."
Yesterday the Americans, the Zionists, and the stupid people wanted to bring the nation to more civil strife in Samarra.
A few days ago, a British historian and writer stood trial. I am sure you have heard about this in the media. His name is David Irving. He was sentenced by an Austrian court to three years in jail. What was his crime? In one of his books, his research led him to the scientific historical opinion - He denied the existence of gas chambers in the Nazi camps. This brought him to court and jail. Even worse, he said in court: "I retract my ideas." The guy repented. Nevertheless, he was sentenced to three years.
But the artist who drew the cartoons that offended the prophet, the publisher, and the printer – they are not tried or jailed, and they did not apologize, because of a human right defended by the hypocritical and lying West.
Let the American forces come to the Mediterranean, land at our shores, and disarm us.
Crowd: We respond to your call, Nasrallah. We respond to your call, Nasrallah.