Following are excerpts from footage of Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya's visit to Tunisia, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV and was posted on the Internet on January 5-10, 2012:
Footage from the Internet of Haniya's arrival in Tunis, January 5, 2012:
Crowd: The people want the liberation of Palestine.
The people want the liberation of Palestine.
Crowd member: Killing the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Crowd member: Killing the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Crowd member: Driving out the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Crowd member: Driving out the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Crowd member: Crushing the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Crowd member: Crushing the Jews…
Crowd: …is a duty.
Footage from the Internet of Haniya at a Tunis market, January 6, 2012:
Crowd member: The leader Ismail said: We will never recognize Israel.
Crowd: The leader Ismail said: We will never recognize Israel.
Crowd member: Resistance, resistance – no peace and no concessions.
Crowd: Resistance, resistance – no peace and no concessions.
Crowd member: Resistance, resistance – no peace and no concessions.
Crowd: Resistance, resistance – no peace and no concessions.
Crowd: We respond to your call, turn our skulls into a ladder for your glory. We respond to your call, and will sacrifice our blood for you. We respond to your call, turn our skulls into a ladder for your glory.
Crowd member: See this beautiful boy.
Ismail Haniya: Allah willing, you will join the army that will conquer Jerusalem.
Tunisian dignitary: Let's have a picture of you in the mihrab. Let's have a picture of you in the mihrab, Sheik.
Ismail Haniya: We have arisen for the sake of Allah.
Crowd: We have arisen for the sake of Allah.
Ismail Haniya: We wish to raise the flag high.
Crowd: We wish to raise the flag high.
Ismail Haniya: May the glory of Islam be restored.
Crowd: May the glory of Islam be restored.
Ismail Haniya: May the purity of Al-Aqsa be restored.
Crowd: May the purity of Al-Aqsa be restored.
Ismail Haniya: May our blood be shed.
Crowd: May our blood be shed.
Ismail Haniya: May their blood be shed.
Crowd: May their blood be shed.
Ismail Haniya: Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Ismail Haniya: Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Crowd: Allah Akbar. All glory to Allah.
Ismail Haniya: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Crowd: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Ismail Haniya: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Crowd: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Ismail Haniya: Oh Jerusalem, we are coming.
Crowd: Oh Jerusalem, we are coming.
Ismail Haniya: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Crowd: Allah Akbar, He strengthens and gives succor.
Footage from Al-Aqsa TV, January 6, 2012:
Ismail Haniya: [We say] to the monstrous entity on the land of Palestine: As long as the people in Tunisia, in Sfax, say: "The people wants the liberation of Palestine," we say to Israel: "Dark days await you, Allah willing." Dark days await the Zionist entity.
Brothers and sisters, we were told [during the Gaza War] that if we wanted the war to stop and the siege to be lifted, and if we wanted the red carpet to be rolled out, so that we could reach the White House and other places, we would have to recognize Israel, to curse the resistance, and to release [Gilad] Shalit. We said, from the very heart of the siege, from under the ruins, from the places being bombarded by the F-16 planes… We said then, and I say to you now, in the capital of south Tunisia: We will never ever recognize Israel.
Friday sermon at Kahrouan, Al-Aqsa TV, January 10, 2012:
Dear brothers, we view your support as support for Palestine. We consider your power to be in the service of Palestine…
Crowd member: Palestine in its entirety.
Ismail Haniya: Your honor is the honor of Palestine – Palestine from the [Mediterranean] Sea to the [Jordan] River.
The land of Palestine, oh brothers and sisters, is an Islamic waqf, as decreed by the second caliph, Omar ibn Al-Khattab. We shall not relinquish the Islamic waqf on the land of Palestine, and Jerusalem shall not be divided into Western and Eastern Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a single united [city], and Palestine stretches from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and from Naqoura [Rosh Ha-Niqra] to Umm Al-Rashrash [Eilat] in the south.
Haniya assists in a French woman's conversion to Islam, footage from the Internet, January 6, 2012