Following are excerpts from a sermon delivered by Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on September 2, 2010:
Ismail Haniya: Anyone who studies the history of Islam discovers that most of the great victories and decisive battles took place in the blessed month of Ramadhan – beginning with the Battle of Badr, followed by the conquest of Mecca, the Battle of Hittin, the Battle of Ein Jalut, the conquest of Andalusia, and the 1973 war. Many of the battles. Even the mujahideen in Palestine – Allah has granted them success in the holy month of Ramadhan, crushing their enemy, thus pleasing the hearts of the believers. This happened in the heroic Jihadi operations which took place in the West Bank yesterday and the day before yesterday. These are some of the victories of Ramadhan.
The strategic option of Jihad was determined by Allah for this nation.
At no time may Muslims – especially under occupation – negotiate whether there should or shouldn’t be resistance or Jihad. This cannot be discussed by a group of believers, a Muslim people, especially a people under occupation. This is inconceivable. We have no choice in this matter. The strategic option was determined when the first arrow was shot, the first spear cast, and the first bullet fired.