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Dec 22, 2008
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George Bush Dummy Serves as Target at Shoe-Throwing Event in an Iranian School

#1958 | 01:06
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

Following is a news report on an event held at an elementary school in Golistan, Iran, in which the children threw shoes at a George Bush dummy and chanted “death to America.” It was aired on December 22, 2008, on the Iranian news channel IRINN TV:

Children: (Muntazar) Al-Zaidi, we support you.

Death to America

Death to George Bush

George Bush, George Bush, we "support" you with shoes.

Al-Zaidi, Al-Zaidi, we support you.

Death to America

George Bush, George Bush, we "support" you with shoes.

Canons, tanks, and machine-guns have no effect on us.

Death to George Bush

Children throw shoes at dummy

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