In a Friday sermon delivered at Aicha Mosque in Montpellier, France, on the day of the Paris attacks, Imam Mohamed Khattabi said: "We dream of seeing our children become ministers and dignitaries, and even presidents. Why not? We want them to rule France one day, to rule Belgium, Germany, and Britain... You will never get [your children] there through the means of Islam. No. You must get them there through their [Western] rules, not yours." To view another Friday sermon by Imam Khattabi, delivered on March 6, in which he said that women are selfish by nature, go to http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/4841.htm.
Imam Mohammad Khattabi: "The world is teeming with events, and a Muslim is an inseparable part of this world. He is one of the components forming human society today. In this social human environment and in the momentum of today's world, a Muslim cannot live without feelings, or without saying his piece. A Muslim cannot live a life of apathy. A Muslim lives in his society, but is expected not to care about what happens in the Islamic world, not to care about the sufferings of his Muslim brethren. A Muslim in our times is expected to be disconnected from his Islamic identity and Muslim brethren. Well, this is inconceivable. A person may love a sports team. He thinks about it when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep, and he talks about his beloved team all day long. A man may love a woman and talk about nothing else, as if she were a god to be worshipped. Another person may love money, and talk day and night about money and about different ways to amass it, and if something happens to his money or to his business, he bows his head, knits his brow, and scowls, as if the world around him has come to an end. Yet a Muslim is expected to see all that is done to his Muslim brethren around the world and to do nothing. Is this reasonable? Is this reasonable?!
"How can I call myself a Muslim, if I do nothing when I see my Muslim brother suffering injustice? What kind of Islam is this?! The animal rights associations are concerned about animals. When the Feast of the Sacrifice comes, the animal rights groups begin to make appeals to ban Muslims from slaughtering animals. Animal rights... Animals have rights, but Muslims do not?!
"Have I no rights?! Or perhaps, oh advanced Westerners with your control and your hegemony, you believe that a Muslim is not a human being? This is one of many questions. It is peculiar indeed to see the world up in arms when one person in the West is killed, while the blood of Muslims is shed [non-stop]: the Rohingya people, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen, Egypt, Libya... Muslim blood... Civil wars... Sectarian wars... Russia flexes its muscles in Syria, and uses the most powerful weapons against the Syrian people. The Syrian land has become a testing ground. Anyone who has a new weapon or a new ideology that he wants to test takes them to Syria or Iraq. They test not only weapons on us Muslims, but also their theories and their ideologies. When the idea of 'constructive anarchy' or 'creative anarchy' emerged, it was tested in Iraq. What does 'creative anarchy' mean? An anarchy that creates what we want, and tears Iraq to pieces the way we want. They called it 'constructive anarchy' or 'creative anarchy.' This is the reality of the Muslims today.
"We live in times of apathy. A Muslim does not care about another Muslim. A Muslim is not embarrassed to see his Muslim brother being tortured, banished, oppressed, or killed. All the types of humiliation are implemented on the Muslims today. But it seems that other Muslims, who enjoy the good life, couldn't care less.
"Our banner, our homeland, our borders, our tribe, and our nation are all [summed up in] 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.' Anything else is bound to fragment us. Whites, blacks, Arabs, Persians, Amazigh, and all types of people are united under the banner of 'There is no god but Allah.' Any other slogan is bound to tear our nation apart.
"I swear by Allah that they want a flag to fly over this mosque. They want it to belong to some country or another. This is what they want. They want national affairs to interfere with our religion. Why? That is the question. What do they want this for? The better to rip us apart. I am not saying that [they want] to keep us in check. Allah be praised, a Muslim does not need anyone to teach him to abide by the law. We heed the law, Allah be praised. Our religion teaches us the law, and we respect the law. But they want to control us so that we won't awaken from our slumber, because the Muslim is a sleeping giant, and if he awakens, woe betide anyone around, because he will restore glory to humanity. They don't want the Muslim giant to awaken, and in order to prevent that, they cut off his limbs one by one – a hand here, a leg over there, and the head somewhere else. They do this by means of flags, nationalities, borders, and tribes.
"Anyone who hates a Muslim anywhere can affront him, sanction his killing, murder him, curse him, and so on. They even legislate laws as they see fit, and no one prevents this. As long as this has to do with the Muslims, you can legislate whatever law you want.
"According to scientific statistics, all the institutions in charge of human rights groups are Zionist. Yes. […] These groups strive to corrupt society, rather than empowering it and protecting its unity. They strive to fragment society.
"[They agree] to conduct dialogue with Muslims, but only with Muslims who have relinquished their conscience and identity. With them – with [French reformist sheikh Hassen] Chalghoumi and his ilk – they are willing to conduct dialogue. But when a Muslim, has a backbone, and an identity in which he takes pride and which he will not relinquish, they refuse to conduct dialogue with him. They don't want to conduct dialogue with a true Muslim. They conduct dialogue only with Muslim hypocrites, with Muslims who make a mockery of their own religion.
"We want our children to penetrate the political realm in the West. We want this. We dream of seeing our children become ministers and dignitaries, and even presidents. Why not? We want them to rule France one day, to rule Belgium, Germany, and Britain. Why not? This is possible. But don't confuse matters. You will never get [your children] there through the means of Islam. No. you must get them there through their [Western] rules, not yours. If you play by your own rules, you will never get there. Politics in these countries are based on these rules.
"Oh Allah, support Islam and the Muslims, humiliate polytheism and the polytheists, and allow the banner of Truth and Islam to fly high. Support your servants, the mujahideen everywhere, oh Lord of Mankind. Oh Allah, grant success to whoever wishes well to Islam and the Muslims, and if anyone wishes evil upon Islam – make it turn against him."