A video posted online on June 26, 2019 features a statement by a group of armed and masked Fatah members from the town of Yamoun, in the West Bank. The men warn against "interacting and cooperating with the leaders of the Zionist entity," especially in its "economic enterprises." They went on to say that they will strike with "an iron fist the necks of anyone" who sells out the Palestinian rights and anyone who participates in the Bahrain workshop, adding that those who attend the workshop have "opened the gates of Hell on themselves." Evoking the memory of the Black September organization, they pledge that "Fatah’s gun is certainly capable of roaming the capitals of the world once again, in order to hunt down every single traitor and collaborator, and those engaged in normalization [of relations with Israel]." They also warn the "treacherous scoundrels among the Arab rulers" against cooperating with Israel.
Fatah member: "We, in the Palestinian National Liberation Movement, Fatah, state the following: First, we – together with the free men of Palestine – renew our pledge of allegiance to the Palestinian leadership, represented by the head of the PLO, President Abu Mazen.
"We warn against interacting and cooperating with the leaders of the Zionist entity, and its enterprises that are meant to normalize relations, especially its economic enterprises, which have swept away many unpatriotic people, who are engaged in shady business. We will strike with an iron fist the necks of those who are tempted to sell out the Palestinian rights for a fistful of dollars.
"Those convening there in Manama are the ones who opened the gates of Hell on themselves. They drowned in the quagmire of treachery. They will pay a price for their treason, even if it takes a while. You will go to Hell, along with your enterprise and your economic workshop.
"We still remember the days of Black September. Fatah's gun is capable of roaming the capitals of the world once again, in order to hunt down every single traitor and collaborator, and those engaged in normalization [of relations with Israel]. We warn the treacherous scoundrels among the Arab rulers, along with their official institutions, from the results of continued cooperation with the Zionist entity."