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Jul 19, 2008
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Fatah Terrorists Who Participated in a 1978 Attack Commanded by Dalal Al-Maghrabi Claim They Were Guided by a Dolphin and Describe the Murder of U.S. Journalist Gail Rubin

#1826 | 02:25
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Following are excerpts from an Al-Manar TV program, featuring Fatah terrorists reminiscing about their 1978 attack on an Israeli bus. The program aired on July 19, 2008

Fatah terrorist Hussein Fayadh: We spent two days in the dinghy, with all the [bad] weather. Before that, we spent two days aboard the ship. For four day, we didn't eat, drink, or sleep. In addition, I must say for the sake of history that a fish was our guide after we got lost. On the second day, when we had no idea which way to go, along came a dolphin fish and said to us: That is the right direction: Palestine is there. We set the compass to the direction of the fish. We sailed the entire day, and on the second night, we knew we were on our way to Palestine.


Sister Dalal Al-Maghrabi had a conversation with the American journalist [Gail Rubin]. Before killing her, Dalal asked: "How did you enter Palestine?" [Rubin] answered: "They gave me a visa." Dalal said: "Did you get your visa from me, or from Israel?" I have the right to this land. Why didn't you come to me?" Then Dalal opened fire on her. We must recall these issues as cases... as human experience.


Fatah terrorist Khaled Abu Asba': At the time when we carried out our operation, the Israeli military commanders were stupid. They placed two buses full of passengers in our way so would crash into them. That was stupidity! If you are a military commander, and you have the ability to move form one place to another, you should not act with such a degree of stupidity. Shooting at the bus was also a kind of stupidity. They wanted to put an end to the affair of the bus, because they were afraid that it would enter Tel Aviv. They made a final decision to destroy the bus with everybody in it. So we would not enter Tel Aviv, which would have been costly for them. This is a kind of stupidity. Yet the Israelis accuse us of terrorism. It is their leaders who are the terrorists. I've said to some journalists that if the families of the Israeli casualties were to file a suit against Ehud Barak and the Israeli leadership back then, I would be ready to appear in an Israeli court of law, along with the families of those killed, and testify that this man is a criminal and a murderer.

Interviewer: He was responsible...

Khaled Abu Asba': Of course, he was responsible for destroying the bus, and for killing the young martyrs and the Israelis.

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