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Jan 16, 2016
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Egyptian Sex Therapist Heba Kotb: The Jews Have Had the Highest Rate of Sexual Perversions throughout History

#5271 | 01:18
Source: Al-Hayat (Egypt)

In a recent Egyptian TV show, Heba Kotb, a consultant on Islamic medicine and marital life, said that the Jews "have had the highest rate of sexual perversions in history." Kotb said that this was due to a "psychological imbalance" caused by strict rules. "In Jewish thought, sex has to be for a reason," she said.

Following are excerpts from the show, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on January 16, 2016.

Interviewer: A common theme in our viewers' questions is that sex is a means for procreation only. Others view sex merely as a means for pleasure. What's your opinion?

Heba Kotb: Neither is true, of course. If sex was only for procreation… By the way, that's what the Jews believe. In the Jewish faith, there must be a reason for sex. We may say that… You reminded me of this. In Jewish thought, sex has to be for a reason, and the reason could be procreation or the voracious sexual desire of a man, who cannot bear it unless he has sex with his wife.

There are very strict rules among the Jews. It has to be done through a buffer, after sunset, without touching, and so on. It's a whole story in the Jewish faith. But this creates a psychological imbalance, even among the Jews who do that stuff, and therefore, they have had the highest rate of sexual perversions in history.


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