Egyptian scholar Dr. Samir Taqi Al-Din said in a recent address that "it is no coincidence that Freud was a Jew, a Zionist, and a Freemason... that Sartre, the father of existentialism, was a Jew too," and that "the people who came up with the materialistic, secular, atheist ideologies were all Jews." Taqi Al-Din further said: "When you read The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion], you will know that what I'm saying is true." His address was broadcast on the Egyptian Al-Rahma TV channel on April 20.
Samir Taqi Al-Din: "Freud said that all human activities originate in sex. It is no coincidence that Freud was a Jew, a Zionist, and a Freemason. It is no coincidence that Sartre, the father of existentialism, was a Jew too. It is no coincidence that [Émile] Durkheim, the father of collective consciousness... After that, we had democracy – one thing leads to another – in which the people is the source of all authorities.
"It is no coincidence that the people who came up with the materialistic, secular, atheist ideologies were all Jews. Of course, you should read The Protocols of Whatever Zion... I don't want to say 'Wise Elders' because they weren't wise or anything... When you read The Protocols, you will know that what I am saying is true."