Following are excerpts from a satirical song, sung by a choir with Egyptian satirist Bassem Yousuf as conductor. The song, which mocks the Muslim Brotherhood and its ties with Qatar, aired on CBC TV on April 5, 2013.
Choir: My beloved Qatar, my little brother –
day after day its wealth increases,
Its investments fill its life,
my Qatar squanders money ostentatiously.
My Qatar, my Qatar…
Singer: My Qatar, your money has filled my land,
my Qatar, give me more, and I will be pleased.
My Qatar, your money has filled my land,
my Qatar, give me more, and I will be pleased.
We will end up begging for alms abroad,
after going bankrupt in the revolution.
You are so big –
bigger than the entire Gulf, bigger than history.
Oh my Qatar…
Choir: My beloved Qatar, my little brother –
day after day its wealth increases,
Its investments fill its life,
my Qatar squanders money ostentatiously.
My Qatar, my Qatar…
Singer: My country is a paradise, of which people are envious.
Soon it will be sold in shop windows.
My country is a paradise, of which people are envious.
Soon it will be sold in shop windows.
My country used to own the [Suez] Canal,
and now you humiliate it by planning to lease it [to Qatar].
My country used to own the [Suez] Canal,
and now you humiliate it by planning to lease it [to Qatar].
Sell it to the Qataris, and enjoy their bounty.
Sell them the pyramids, and we'll build two more.
Sell it to the Qataris, and enjoy their bounty.
Sell them the pyramids, and we'll build two more.
We are a country that is always good,
throw us a little money, and we'll start saving.
We are doing it all for your sake, my beloved Qatar.
Choir: My beloved Qatar, my little brother –
day after day its wealth increases,
Its investments fill its life,
my Qatar squanders money ostentatiously.
My Qatar, my Qatar…
Singer: How sweet of Qatar to fill up our pockets,
How sweet of this disaster to pull down our flag.
How sweet of Qatar to fill up our pockets,
How sweet of this disaster to pull down our flag.
How sweet is this revival that crushes our people,
it is the sweetest impaling rod in our lives.
This is what we've got from the Muslim Brotherhood,
they are selling Egypt wholesale as well as retail.
This is what we've got from the Muslim Brotherhood,
they are selling Egypt wholesale as well as retail.
In the Rod El Farag, Dokki, and Shubra neighborhoods [of Cairo],
the people are ecstatic and gratefully snorting...
It is the snort of the entire Egyptian people.