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Dec 02, 2011
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Egyptian Salafist Abd Al-Mun'im Al-Shahhat: The Literature of Naguib Mahfouz Deals with Drug Dens and Whorehouses and Spreads Depravity

#3224 | 01:05
Source: Al-Nahar TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Abd Al-Mun'im Al-Shahhat, spokesman of the Egyptian Salafi movement, which aired on Al-Nahhar TV on December 2, 2011:

Interviewer: Go ahead and say what you think of Naguib Mahfouz.

Abd Al-Mun'im Al-Shahhat: In my view, the literature of Naguib Mahfouz encourages depravity. It all takes place in drug dens, where people smoke hashish, and in whorehouses. Children of Geblawi is a symbolic philosophy story, with an atheist aspect. That is my view, and nobody can prevent me from expressing it.


If you ask me whether the state should prohibit atheist literature – this question should be referred to Al-Azhar's Academy for Islamic Research.


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